Saturday, November 18, 2006


So save what’s worth it,
‘cos I’m going off to a sunset
that never ends.

Watching you,
There is nothing
But myself relishing the thought,
That some things maybe best
Left unsaid.

Quite like no-one,
I embrace uncerantanty.
The only faithful companion,
Of my clear cut life.

The drama is left aside,
There are some things that just
Make me look pathetic,
As there are words
That would kill me,
Being unable to brush off,
What’s strangling me.

I want to gasp my last breath,
Facing up to what is indeed there.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

To myself

I belong here,
flesh and blood,
to yours truly.

There might be air,
anything you cannot see,

but what frees me is the pain,
muscles hurt,
and words are escaping me.

To my sacred soul and beyond,
I will believe in reality,
and run away from the earth.